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What They're Saying: WATER for California Act would benefit cities, farms, and ecosystems throughout California

  • Rep. Valadao introduces WATER for California Act
Congressman David G. Valadao introduced the Working to Advance Tangible and Effective Reforms (WATER) for California Act. The bill continues to gain support from stakeholders and communities across California. This bill focuses on operational stability, infrastructure, and accountability to bring more water to the communities that need it most.

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman David G. Valadao introduced the Working to Advance Tangible and Effective Reforms (WATER) for California Act. The bill continues to gain support from stakeholders and communities across California. This bill focuses on operational stability, infrastructure, and accountability to bring more water to the communities that need it most.

“For too long, the Central Valley has suffered from devastating drought conditions, unfair water allocations, and a gross mismanagement of the water we do have by Sacramento bureaucrats and environmentalists,” said Congressman Valadao. “This bill will bring more water to the farmers, businesses, and rural communities in the Valley and throughout California, doing everything possible to survive this devastating drought. I promised my constituents that I would fight to secure a reliable and clean supply of water for our communities. This legislation would do just that by streamlining operations, expanding water storage infrastructure, and increasing accountability.”

“The WATER for California Act would benefit the cities, farms, and ecosystems throughout California that depend on the Central Valley Project and State Water Project for water supply.  The Act provides much needed certainty for water users, helps resolve ongoing conflict, and provides the space for the state, federal government, and interested parties to develop flow and non-flow measures that will further benefit and protect the viability of native fish species,” said Tom Birmingham, General Manager of Westlands Water District.

“We appreciate the tireless efforts of Congressman Valadao and his colleagues to work with numerous interested parties to fashion approaches that are achievable and provide the best possible opportunity to obtain a stable and adequate supply of water for Kern County and the entire state of California,” said Tom McCarthy, General Manager, Kern County Water Agency.

 “Ensuring the greatest availability and supply of water for Kern County’s economy and population is a complex and difficult task.  The challenge has become even greater with the changing weather that we have seen in recent years and that are forecast for coming years.  A great number of diverse entities are competing for a supply that is simply not adequate to satisfy all of the needs that exist.  We look forward to working with Congressman Valadao and all of his colleagues as this legislation and other initiatives move through the federal decision-making process.  The challenges and needs have never been greater; it will take the best efforts of all interested parties to reach results that are acceptable and workable for everyone,” said Ted Page, President, Kern County Water Agency Board of Directors. 

“We applaud Congressman Valadao’s continued efforts to improve long-term water supply and reliability for the Central Valley and California.  The introduction of the WATER Act continues these efforts.  We look forward to working with the Congressman, our members, and our local partners on this legislation to build consensus and support as it moves through the legislative process.,” said Chris White, Executive Director of San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors Water Authority.

“As conflicts over water availability in California continues to escalate, we need to find creative, adaptive means of meeting species’ needs while also meeting the needs of communities, farms, and businesses.  The WATER for California Act continues the spirit and legacy of two other efforts that began moving things in the direction of that goal: the bipartisan WIIN Act of 2016 and the 2019 Biological Opinion for the Central Valley Project and State Water Project. On behalf the Friant Division’s farms and communities, I thank Reps. McCarthy, Valadao, and each co-sponsor in the House of Representatives for introducing legislation that responds to the urgency and severity of California’s worsening water conflicts,” said Jason Phillips, CEO of the Friant Water Authority

The text of the bill can be found here.
