Over the past few years, California has experienced its worst drought in recorded history. As a life-long Central Valley resident and farmer, I know firsthand the challenges faced by Valley families and farmers when water becomes scarce. Access to safe, clean, and reliable water is the lifeblood of the Central Valley’s booming agricultural economy, and ensuring access to water is imperative to the everyday lives of all Valley families.
Legislation cannot provide California with the steady rain it so desperately needs to support population and agricultural demands, but it can deliver relief by fixing complex and contradictory laws, court decisions, and regulations at the state and federal levels, and improving water storage infrastructure.
I have engaged local water districts, water-users, and other stakeholders from across the valley to hear their concerns and gather their input on how we can work together to bring more water to the Valley in the short-term, and address the long term-water management problems facing our region. As a result of this collaborative work, during my time in Congress, I have introduced several pieces of legislation to reform California water policies.
The Central Valley needs water to grow its prosperity and economic vitality and it is past time for House and Senate members on both sides of the aisle to enact a long-term, bipartisan and bicameral solution.