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Congressman Valadao Raises Concern Over Reclamation’s Proposed Changes to Central Valley Project and State Water Project Operations

This week, Congressman David G. Valadao (CA-22) led the California Republican Delegation in a letter expressing concerns over the Bureau of Reclamation’s (Reclamation) draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the long-term operation of the Central Valley Project (CVP) and State Water Project (SWP).

WASHINGTON – This week, Congressman David G. Valadao (CA-22) led the California Republican Delegation in a letter expressing concerns over the Bureau of Reclamation’s (Reclamation) draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the long-term operation of the Central Valley Project (CVP) and State Water Project (SWP). The EIS is a federal document prepared under the National Environmental Policy Act, and considers revised operations of dams, powerplants, and related facilities of the CVP and SWP.

The cosigners of the letter argue the draft EIS inappropriately prioritizes environmental goals at the expense of municipal and agricultural water needs:

“Unfortunately, the current proposed operational approach makes delivering water for consumptive uses, including irrigation, subordinate to the use of water for the protection, restoration, and enhancement of protected fish species in the Delta,” the lawmakers wrote.

Congressman Valadao led members in urging Reclamation to reconsider these draft plans to better balance environmental and consumptive water needs in the state:

“We urge the Bureau of Reclamation, FWS, and NMFS to reconsider the proposed operations and associated Biological Opinions to ensure that the regulatory framework balances the needs of all stakeholders, including municipal and agricultural water users,” the lawmakers wrote.

Congressman Valadao was joined in the letter by Reps. Ken Calvert (CA-41), Jay Obernolte (CA-23), John Duarte (CA-13), Darrell Issa (CA-48) Mike Garcia (CA-27), Doug LaMalfa (CA-01), Tom McClintock (CA-05), Michelle Steel (CA-45), Young Kim (CA-40), Vince Fong (CA-20), and Kevin Kiley (CA-03).

Reclamation is taking comments from the public on the proposed plan, which are due by September 9th.  Comments can be submitted via email:, or by mail to:

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Attention Bay-Delta-Office
801 I Street, Suite 140, Sacramento, CA 95814

Read the full text of the letter here.
