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Congressman David G. Valadao Statement on Bureau of Reclamation's Updated Central Valley Project 2021 Water Allocation

  • Dry Soil
Water is the backbone of our local economy, vital to tens of thousands of jobs, and the complete elimination of CVP water allocations for Central Valley farmers and families threatens the livelihoods of our entire community.

Congressman David G. Valadao Statement on Bureau of Reclamation's Updated Central Valley Project 2021 Water Allocation

WASHINGTON - Today, Congressman David G. Valadao released the following statement in response to the Bureau of Reclamation’s (Reclamation) updated 2021 water supply allocation for Central Valley Project (CVP) contractors. Reclamation initially allocated a mere 5% for South-of-Delta agricultural repayment and water service contractors, later suspending this allocation altogether in March. Today, Reclamation confirmed South-of-Delta contractors will receive 0% of their 2021 contracts.

“Today’s update from the Bureau of Reclamation is nothing short of a death sentence for countless acres of crops Americans rely on,” said Congressman Valadao. “Water is the backbone of our local economy, vital to tens of thousands of jobs, and the complete elimination of CVP water allocations for Central Valley farmers and families threatens the livelihoods of our entire community. Farmers and producers in the Valley feed the nation, but without immediate action, they simply cannot continue to grow their crops and struggling communities will continue to go without clean, reliable water. As a result, while fields in the Central Valley dry up and countless jobs are lost, families across the United States will face inevitable food shortages and higher costs.”
