WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman David G. Valadao (CA-22) and Congresswoman Norma Torres (CA-35) introduced the Removing Nitrate and Arsenic in Drinking Water Act. The legislation amends the Safe Drinking Water Act to provide grants for nitrate and arsenic reduction, with priority given to assisting disadvantaged communities.
“My top priority is making sure our communities can access safe and clean drinking water,” said Congressman Valadao. “This bill would give rural communities that rely on groundwater the resources they need to remove nitrates, arsenic, and other harmful chemicals from their water supply. I’m proud to support this bipartisan legislation to help our small towns throughout the Valley fix this ongoing problem.”
“The nitrate and arsenic contamination in California water sources is a public health crisis, and a threat to my constituents’ health and safety. As a member of the Appropriations Committee, I am committed to ensuring the government supports the most pressing needs for the most vulnerable among us including exposure to nitrate and arsenic which can cause serious illness for infants, pregnant women, and residents with enzyme deficiencies including cancer. The Inland Empire experiences some of the worst levels of contamination in the state – especially in the many areas that remain or once served as agricultural fields for dairies, citrus, or grapevines – and I am committed to providing my constituents with clean drinking water free of these harmful substances.” said Congresswoman Torres.
Larger towns and cities tend to depend on surface water for drinking, whereas smaller, often rural, communities depend on groundwater. Historically, agricultural heavy areas have led to increased nitrate in drinking and groundwater, including many communities throughout the Central Valley. The Removing Nitrate and Arsenic in Drinking Water Act aims to make additional federal resources available for small, rural communities to reach compliance with the maximum contaminant level of nitrate or arsenic under the Safe Drinking Water Act.
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