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House Passes Supplemental Bill to Address VA Shortfall

Today, the House passed H.R. 9468, Veterans Benefits Continuity and Accountability Supplemental Appropriations Act.

WASHINGTON – Today, the House passed H.R. 9468, Veterans Benefits Continuity and Accountability Supplemental Appropriations Act. The bill addresses the $3 billion mandatory shortfall for disability and education benefits the VA expects to face by October. Congressman Valadao joined fellow House Appropriations Committee members in introducing the legislation to ensure veterans benefits remain uninterrupted.

“The VA failed to properly manage their budget this year, putting benefits for millions of veterans at risk,” said Congressman Valadao. “This is unacceptable, and we cannot allow our veterans to pay the price for the VA’s mismanagement. This legislation makes good on our nation’s commitment to care for the men and women who served our country, while taking critical steps to ensure the VA is held accountable. Our veterans have made incredible sacrifices for our country, and we owe it to them to ensure they have access to the benefits they’ve earned.”

Congressman Valadao spoke in support of his bill on the House Floor during debate. Watch his remarks here.

Remarks as prepared for delivery:

Thank you to the Gentleman for yielding.

I rise today in support of the Veterans Benefits Continuity and Accountability Supplemental Appropriations Act, which addresses the $3 billion mandatory shortfall for disability and education benefits the VA expects to face by October.

Our veterans have made incredible sacrifices for our country, and it is our responsibility to guarantee they receive the benefits they’ve earned.

We’re debating this legislation today because the VA failed to properly manage their budget this year, putting benefits for millions of veterans at risk.

This is unacceptable.

Our veterans should not pay the price for the VA’s mismanagement.

This legislation makes good on our nation’s commitment to care for the men and women who served our country. 

It also requires greater oversight on their budget process moving forward to hold the VA accountable so this doesn’t happen again.

I look forward to voting yes on this legislation to ensure our veterans can continue to access the benefits they’ve earned.

Thank you and I yield back.


The Department of Veteran Affairs’ (VA) failure to properly budget and account for enrollment growth and staffing costs in its budgetary process resulted in an unprecedented funding shortfall in veteran benefits for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2024 and into Fiscal Year 2025.

The House Appropriations Committee was notified of the potential shortfall in July - four months after the Biden-Harris Administration submitted its Budget Request and following the markup of FY25 legislation in both chambers of Congress. The VA’s updated projections indicated a need of approximately $15 billion above what was originally requested, including an additional $3 billion for the remainder of FY24 for Compensation and Pensions and Readjustment Benefits (mandatory funding) and an additional $12 billion for FY25 for VA medical care (discretionary funding).  

The Veterans Benefits Continuity and Accountability Supplemental Appropriations Act addresses the $3 billion shortfall in mandatory funding, which the Congressional Budget Office estimates would have no net budget effects. The bill also includes language that holds the Administration accountable, requiring a report to be submitted to Congress no later than 30 days after enactment as to why these budgetary errors took place and ways the VA is addressing its failure to accurately project needs and recurring reports on the status of funds of these accounts moving forward.
