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House Appropriations Committee Approves Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill

  • Rep. Valadao speaking during markup of the legislative branch appropriations act
he House Appropriations Committee met last night to consider the Fiscal Year 2025 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act. Congressman Valadao, Chairman of the Legislative Branch Subcommittee, released the following statement on the bill’s passage out of full committee markup

WASHINGTON –  The House Appropriations Committee met last night to consider the Fiscal Year 2025 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act. Congressman Valadao, Chairman of the Legislative Branch Subcommittee, released the following statement on the bill’s passage out of full committee markup:

“My most important job is serving constituents, and this legislation ensures Congress has the resources needed to serve the American people,” said Legislative Branch Subcommittee Chairman David Valadao. “In addition to making sure Congress can retain staff and keep the lights on, this bill ensures we can continue conducting critical oversight of the Executive Branch. Importantly, this bill provides funding for our Capitol police to keep the Capitol Complex safe for visitors and staff. I’m thankful to Chairman Cole for his leadership and guidance during this process, and I look forward to working with my colleagues to get this bill across the finish line.”

Chairman Tom Cole (R-OK) said, “The legislation being advanced is central to our democracy. It supports the fulfillment of our Article 1 responsibilities prescribed by the Constitution. It upholds accountability, ensuring Congress can execute strong oversight over the Biden Administration. The safety of the Capitol complex for visitors, the work of the U.S. Capitol Police, and the operations of national institutions are also prioritized. Chairman Valadao’s bill balances the Legislative Branch’s capacity to effectively serve the public in a fiscally responsible manner.”

Legislative Branch Subcommittee Chairman David Valadao (R-CA) began the markup with remarks on the bill. Full remarks as prepared for delivery, are available here.