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Tax Reform

During my time in Congress, I have always fought to reduce the tax burden on hardworking people in the Central Valley. State and local taxes in California consistently rank among the nation’s highest compared to other states in the U.S., and that is without even considering federal tax rates. I believe in a simpler and fairer tax code that puts more money back in the pockets of working families and individuals across the Valley.  

Over the years, Republicans in the House of Representatives have proposed numerous ideas on how to improve our nation’s tax code. On November 2, 2017, Representative Kevin Brady (R-TX) combined those ideas in a comprehensive tax reform plan, H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This legislation simplifies our tax code, lowers rates for individuals and families, eliminates loopholes for the wealthy, and encourages small businesses to grow and create jobs.
As Congress continues to advance tax reform legislation through the House and Senate, I will work to ensure any additional proposals will facilitate economic growth while also promoting the fiscal wellbeing of my constituents.